Staff Member(s) Name: Oatmeal
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:44261942
Member Name(s): Doggo #Roadto100k, dady #dadyformed, |S| Sloth, Johnny Jihad, SadButDepressed
Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:83694771, STEAM_0:0:194364466, STEAM_0:0:97413931, STEAM_0:0:23885914, STEAM_0:0:77561109
What server(s) was this on?: ZARP DarkRP Server 3
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Oatmeal and Sloth were both teaming in BurgerKing, killing whoever walked near the building. Then when killed they would go back to BK without waiting for their NLR time. Oatmeal will claim that I shot first, but the logs will show that his friend Sloth kept killing me, so I killed him. Then the logs will show Oatmeal shot me next, so I then killed him. Then Oatmeal brought me to a sit with his friend Sloth and gave me a warning for NLR. While in the sit he was very negative and un-professional. He told me I knew nothing and was cursing at me via microphone.
Doggo #Roadto100k
Doggo was also apart of this group, constantly killing people with no warning. All laughing, verbally cussing at everyone that was nearby.
dady #dadyformed
Was another person apart of the group, killing and abusing.
|S| Sloth
Was the first person to RDM me on the server with some electro ball that would 1-shot anyone. He killed me about 5-6 times before I killed him. All I wanted to do was hang out and see what was going on. Then when I killed him and Oatmeal for constantly RDMing me, I got warned with NLR. They both thought it was funny and just didn't care since Oatmeal was an Admin.
Johnny Jihad
Johnny was the most verbal out of them all. Speaking very negatively to everyone who wasn't in his little B.K. group. Also running around with a sniper and shooting anyone that was not in his group.
Was not apart of the B.K. group, but had a connection with Oatmeal. SadButDepressed was the mayor and was constantly abusing and creating false lock downs. My friend told me that Oatmeal was speaking to SadButDepressed and told him that what he was doing was funny and then let him go.
Morgan did not abuse, so I didn't put his SteamID up above. I am only mentioning her in this post because he is the Head Admin, and as the Head Admin he should be standing up and taking control of things. Instead of doing her job, he was allowing all the abuse.
I already know these people will come on and try to defend themselves, so let me go ahead and answer with what they will try to argue about:
1) The KOS sign by B.K. was not put up at first, it was put up later on after multiple people were being RDMed
2) Oatmeal will say I NLRed and was abusing. I was trying multiple times to hang out in B.K. when Sloth shot me. Then I killed Sloth, then Oatmeal killed me... so I killed Oatmeal. They were breaking NLR and RDMing and if I got a warning and they didn't, then I don't think it's fair.
3) "We were just protecting our base" you mean the base that had no KOS sign at first? The base where you all were verbally being negative and killing everyone?
4) Oatmeal will argue that he did not say such thing to SadButDepressed. You can speak to my friend who heard it, he was the witness. Oh, and also you can speak to just about anyone else. Everyone wanted him demoted from Mayor.
5) "We did no such things! You were the one abusing".... Let the logs speak for themselves.
Screenshot Proof:
1) Johnny Jihand killing me with no KOS sign outside:
2) Killed from a explosion that they made happened:
3) Johnny Jihad running outside to kill me because he didn't like my name. Notice how I am not crossing the KOS line. Also I was given no warning to leave, or else I would have.
4) Just me getting killed by Sloth when there was NO KOS sign:
5) Another screenshot of me being killed by Sloth:
6) Their group:
I don't have screenshots for the things that happened before the B.K. group, but there are multiple witnesses and the logs that can easily show that all of what I said is true.