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Staff Member(s) Name:kewlkd
Staff Member(s) SteamID:STEAM_0:0:79717115 What did the Staff Member(s) do?: muted me from admins chat because i wasint spaming admin chat What server(s) was this on?: TTT Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/xko9x |
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Chienman is handling this |
Discord: thexnator
Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
Last Edit: 7 years 4 months ago by TheXnator.
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Hello Assassin, after speaking with Xnator, and as I was present at the time this happened, I will handle your request.
So, here is basically what happened : - After a few messages from you on the admin chat, Moderator kewlkd asked you to stop "spamming" the said chat - As you did not understand, you kept on replying on this chat - After his warning, my colleague decided to amute you, without giving you a solid warning to appear in your F6. As you may know, the admin chat should be used exclusively to chat with the staff regarding cases and issues that need their attention. Indeed, as you may understand, if everyone uses that special chat for whatever other reason, it would make our work more difficult. Plus, he did ask you to stop. However, what you did was not actually "spamming". kewlkd wanted to do right, but I feel that the reason he gave you was not the right one, regarding what I previously wrote. So in conclusion, your demote request has been : However, I can assure I have still spoken about this with kewlkd, and he now knows he will have to be more careful about giving the proper reason, so users can understand what they have done wrong, and correct their behavior. Plus, that amute will not appear in your rapsheet. Thank you for filling that request, and have a nice evening |
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