Staff Member(s) Name:
|F| WreckingBall
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Abused, Froze Me, Falsely Accusing Me, and Lied.
So this is what happened. I walked into a mega base and was blow into pieces by a thermal. They all then start accusing me of raiding as a DD. So I go back to the base after my nlr and kill a kid for messing with my printer (entity) and he was also hold a psg to my head. Which is stated in the rules I am allowed to.
2.2 Random Death Match - In order to kill or harm another player you require a valid role-play reason to do so. Crossfire is not an excuse for killing people nearby where you are raiding or shooting. This rule always applies unless another rule calls for an exception.
- Examples of valid reasons to kill another player:
The player enters a highly restricted area such as the bank vault or back of PD.
The player kills an ally or friend of yours.
The player attempts to destroy or steal your property.
The player acts threatening towards you.
So I am waiting in spawn for my friend and then this mod tp's to me and freezes me, accusing me of thermaling and raiding as a DD. So I start defending myself and telling him I didn't do crap. So I tell him to take a screenshot of the logs, which he did, and it literally shows I didn't thermal... Zach did. And he goes on to say that "he can't see the thermals."
He clearly does not need his powers if he can't even take hold of a situation properly. He accused and abused with only his friends word on it, even though he had proof that I didn't raid.
What server(s) was this on?: