loxeo wrote:
I can

this. I'm killing a cop in spawn that had completely no intent to RP and kept mass rda'ing. He attempted to arrest my friends and myself so whenever he came at me I killed him.
Saint defended the cop, but he wasn't there for the mass rda. From what he was doing, he's seemed completely mingy cause he had no intent to rp and wouldn't stop arguing in chat.
"Mass RDAing" Mate, I was there for that, and although the cops behaviour was somewhat innapropriate, RDMing him constantly in spawn was not only a rule break, but if anything, it brings you down to his level. People were killing him, He was just simply breaking NLR to arrest them. Its not his fault your "Friends" are morons.
"No intent to RP"
Dunno how long you've been on ZARP for kiddo, But I've been fairly active on the SSRP servers since march or so. Since then, I have invented multiple characters I often play as. Emperor Balsac the god emperor, Saint Wylde the hobo rebellion leader, Sgt. Wylde, "Internal affairs" (Which is when I become a CP and take down mass RDA'ing cops).
I saw you spouting abuse at a kid in spawn and constantly spawn camping him,in the process, also killing numerous innocent bystanders, so I told you to stop and just leave him alone. At this point, you mute my voice chat and start expressing some sort of Napoleonic self importance towards me in OOC.
You were spawn camping in a Jug suit because someone arrested your friends a few times for having illegal weapons, and even admitted to doing so. So yeah kiddo. You took it upon yourself to deal with a rule breaker, breaking rules yourself in the process.
"Whenever he came at me"
You were camping him in spawn, Retard.