[SSRP Demote Request] Chicken Larry Harper
7 years 4 months ago #665375
Staff Member(s) Name:
Chicken Larry Harper (Dr.Nugget)
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
They broke the following rule:
4.2 Base Appearance - Bases must not have flickering effects, invisible or anything difficult to the eye. Anyone entering the base must be able to see where they are going. No completely blacked out rooms the black material can only be used on one wall.Printer safes do not need a transparency change. Your base should not stop vehicle access on the roads, vehicles should be able to pass with ease. Excluding district bases.
What server(s) was this on?:
SSRP Server 3
In the video, you can clearly see them building in the center of the road, not allowing any cars to pass freely. They then apparently warned Small Spooki for raiding their base, even though the base is invalid to begin with.
I'm making this demote request because the user in question is currently banned on the forums.
[SSRP Demote Request] Chicken Larry Harper
7 years 4 months ago #665647
Thank you for making this report.
After reviewing the video it is clear that Chicken was violating rule 4.2. It is also apparent you went out of your way to be disturbed by the rulebreak. I appreciate that you informed him he was breaking a rule, but you could have stopped there, but instead chose to destroy their props. Looking for problems and putting yourself in a position to be infringed upon just seems petty to me, but rules were broken that should be upheld. I will speak to Chicken and inform him of what he did wrong and how to avoid it, but I see no need to take this to the LT meeting. If someone is going to be brought up for demotion, it should be over more than building a little dupe with his friends over in an area that wasn't originally disturbing others.
Edit: I'll look into the warn that was distributed as well and see if we can have that removed.
[SSRP Demote Request] Chicken Larry Harper
7 years 4 months ago #665649
They were still building, they may have wanted to add a ramp to it to go over it. With that being said, this side is a dead end, they could've been blocking off their road because it could be their house inside.