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Staff Member(s) Name: bee
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80389621 What did the Staff Member(s) do?: The staff member didn't do anything about a mic spammer singing constantly with autotune eventhough I reported him. He said that people liked him. Thing is if the guy is breaking the rules action has to be taken. What server(s) was this on?: TTT_Minecraft Evidence: I don't have it on video but I have chat screenshots regards what bee said. Apparently I cant send the pcitures but you can see screenshiots on my steam profile steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198293946285/ |
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I will look into this
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Hello DeadlyChilli101,
I have looked into this report and viewed the screenshots on your profile. I have come to the conclusion to ACCEPT this report and I will speak to bee when they are next online on steam. The main reason for acceptance are due to the attitude he showed towards the players in this image. Thankyou for your report and enjoy the rest of your day! - Please LOCK |
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Hi, I was here during the time of this happening. This is a very difficult situation. Yesterday he had been micspamming doing the same thing, so I gagged him. A ton of people got frustrated at me for this since only a minority of the players were actually complaining.
He came back today, I gagged him, people complained again so I said to bee that it's in his hands since I felt I was upsetting people no matter what I did. It's a very difficult situation that's split down the middle. Also, something to note is that he wasn't really micspamming outside of often singing a line, usually only when dead. If it did get extreme I would have gagged him. |
Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by Morganaa.
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