Time and date (CET) - (When did it happen?)
1-3 hours ago
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?)
Reason - (What rules did the person break?)
Story - (What happened?)
Driving past their district base slowed down they did /me leave or die did not specify a time as well as it is in a public area which they did not own at all.
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
I also have a much longer video but it contains personal information about another player I am not willing to post on the forums
[SSRP Warn Request] Small Spook
7 years 5 months ago #651004
After reviewing the evidence I've concluded that there was no rule breach here. Under the current interpretation of the rules there is no rule specifying someone has to include a timer in their /me, only that they give a reasonable amount of time after the /me is said so the said person the /me was towards may comply and respond. In my personal experience, I have witnessed numerous staff members high ranking and low use /me commands like this for people who are extremely close to their district base/base loitering or driving back and forth because they may feel threatened and would like them to leave the area a bit more (Their RP reason for doing the /me). As for the evidence, it shows they did give you a reasonable amount of time to comply but instead you stayed rather than driving off. - Lock