Name - The Big Gerry
Steam-ID - STEAM_0:0:64343120
Evidence of Steam-ID - Its in the screen shots below
Server - TTT
Time and date (CET) - Around 4:20pm
Other comments - N/A
Reason - Racist, harassment, Mass rdm, all round just being a twat
Story - after Jim Jam left the server this guy came on, seemed fine at first and then a kid started talk and he started say that the kids mum was a hooker and just harassing him. you could tell in the kids voice he was getting upset and Gerry still carried on, then he just stared shooting random people and telling other too kill others. then while in the traitor he called out all the other Ts on the map and started making swastikas. at this point i left to make this report, i only have screen shots of the logs and the swastikas because i cant record. the kid he was harassing his steam link is here>
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