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OK BLUEPERSON WHAT THE FUCK 7 years 7 months ago #642375

Name - Dad no cheese sauce
Steam Id - STEAM_0:0:108146329
Admins Name - Blueperson
Reason For Getting Banned - Warn 3 times for having a " banned Material"
Server - Darkrp 3
Time - 1hour
Story - I think he tried to raid me but I had transparent props and I won the raid and he tp to me and told me to get rid of my material I simply said no they are allowed to be transparent I know this because other player and admin both said it allowed. He warned me 3 times for having transparent props. I knew I should of keep the way he changed them but I didn't my fault for getting warn for the second and third time. I got a bit heated about it after he kick me so I went back to my base and there was this guy and he agree with me didn't think I should of got warn along with another guy trying to explain there is no banned material. I was still heated and I said Blueperson doesn't know how to do his job and calling him name that what got me banned which is reasonable but all that wouldn't of happen if he never warn me for "banned materials"
Proof - People I know there name when I get back on.
Extra Info - He banned my friend for 12 day for a dumb reason and father Watson was able to shorten it to 7 days I was pretty pissed about my friend banned so I rdm 3 people and got banned with him.
EDIT - OK so this is unacceptable blueperson banned me for 1 week I broke nlr why building my base with my friend my friend were having a slam war and I died and came back breaking nlr that shouldn't exist cuz we just having fun. Then he recents and my props so what the fuck I did nothing wrong and he had no reason to tp to me I want unbanned this has gone to far what the fuck I am so pissed like what the fuck
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OK BLUEPERSON WHAT THE FUCK 7 years 7 months ago #642376

By "Transparent Material" do you mean you can still see the prop or is it completely invisible?
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Last Edit: 7 years 7 months ago by SwiiFTz.
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OK BLUEPERSON WHAT THE FUCK 7 years 7 months ago #642381

u can see it but it kinda hard to see it darkens the stuff
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OK BLUEPERSON WHAT THE FUCK 7 years 7 months ago #642382

C'mon dude,it's only a hour
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OK BLUEPERSON WHAT THE FUCK 7 years 7 months ago #642383

beady114 wrote:
u can see it but it kinda hard to see it darkens the stuff

If the transparency is below 170 then ye it's a rulebreak, if you choose some sort of color to make the prop barely visible, then it's the unwritten rules of "exploit"
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OK BLUEPERSON WHAT THE FUCK 7 years 7 months ago #642386

now it a week
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OK BLUEPERSON WHAT THE FUCK 7 years 7 months ago #642447

@beady114: Staff's word is final. If you disagree with something get a second staff member's opinion on it, not just a random dude's. Instead of going up against him, you should perhaps listen to him and let him talk and he might hear you as well.
He probably wasn't saying banned material or he meant forbidden material. Well the thing is the black material is only allowed on one wall, now if it's used on multiple it is not allowed, due to the black material decieving people from knowing where they're supposed to go.
Another thing, even if having fun apply to the rules.. We might overlook RDM if it's banter and between people that consent, but NLR as a global thing which can't be overlooked, due to there being a timer and you needing to forget about what happened when you die.. Instead of making a report you should make an appeal where you apologize about what you've done.

@Fantasy It does not fall under exploiting, but it has it's own rule: Base appearance
4.2 Base Appearance - Bases must not have flickering effects, invisible or anything difficult to the eye. Anyone entering the base must be able to see where they are going. No completely blacked out rooms the black material can only be used on one wall. Pr....
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Last Edit: 7 years 7 months ago by Tilin. Reason: Fixed some things
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OK BLUEPERSON WHAT THE FUCK 7 years 7 months ago #642452

Depending on your actions on the forums, and the story you claim, I see that the ban was completely legit. First of all, if a staff member is talking to you about a rule, you should listen to them, and read the rules carefully. Here is the rule referring to this situation:
4.2 Base Appearance - Bases must not have flickering effects, invisible or anything difficult to the eye. Anyone entering the base must be able to see where they are going. No completely blacked out rooms the black material can only be used on one wall.Printer safes do not need a transparency change. Your base should not stop vehicle access on the roads, vehicles should be able to pass with ease. Excluding district bases.
I haven't checked your recent warnings, but if you have more than normal, and adding this situation in the equation, I am gonna stay extremely :minussp: for this.
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