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My ingame name is thecommandbox
my steam url and ID steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partn...57618&token=pyrzsRQS and my steam ID is TheCommandBox To Be Continued warned me He warned because a afk dead guy named cunt cuntman cunerson had a building sign infront of my building which was his earlier. ZARPGAMING.com Darkrp server 1 I was on my way back to my base and the 3D text sign saying building had been there for awhile but i dident know the dead guy name cunt cuntman cunterson would not be back so i just builded my base and made printers when the admin came "to be continued" and he gave me a warning for "having a sign saying building outside my base" and i told him it wasent mine and i anyway wanted it to be romved but he gave me a warning anyway so i was really mad cause i dident do anything wrong. i find it relevant that i got a warning because of another guys sign. Two of my freinds saw it too so i have the evidence if needed.
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SteamID should look like this : STEAM_0:1:52184147
Ex-TTT & PropHunt Head Admin
Ex-Section Moderator & TeamSpeak Moderator
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I'll look into these in future remember to follow the template.
[b]Staff Member(s) Name:[/b]
[b]Staff Member(s) SteamID:[/b]
[b]What did the Staff Member(s) do?:[/b]
[b]What server(s) was this on?:[/b]
[b]Evidence:[/b] |
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After speaking with the staff member and getting a full understanding of what happened it seems you made no attempt to try and get the sign removed and once you were in a sit quite reluctant to cooperate with the staff member. |
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