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Hi my name is mike i have played on your server for a while. But sadly today i got a warning from one of your moderators named "To Be continued" because a afk dead person named "cunt cuntman cunterson" he had a base right in front of mine and he had some props who got blown up by some guys shooting with a rocketlauncher but anyway he had a building sign and it was right in front of my base and i had printers in there and then a the moderator came and gave me a warning for having a "building sign" in front of my base and i told him that it wasnt mine but still he gave me a warning and would like to get rid of it since it wasnt mý sign..
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[b]Name -[/b] What is your in-game name?
[b]STEAM-ID -[/b] What is your STEAM-ID?
[b]Staff Members Name -[/b] Who warned you?
[b]Warning Reason -[/b] What was the reason of the warning(s)?
[b]Server -[/b] Which server did this occur on?
[b]Story/Situation -[/b] What happened?
[b]Extra Information -[/b] Anything you would find relevant to your warning(s)? |
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If you want to appeal your warning please use the template EDIT: Made a new one zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/report-ab...false-warning#636560 |
Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by DEADMONSTOR.
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