After playing Zarp 2 , for a solid hour , I met some of the worst moderators , one even informed me they were becoming an admin. But that's not the point currently , I have just been warned about 3 times by these Mods. One of which was for disrespect after I told galexy bad things would happen if he kept annoying me. In which he continued bothering me over and over , even teleporting me randomly. ( Abusing His Rank. ) But , when i made him aware of this he began to curse me out and let me know i was wrong over and over again , finally having his friend Jwish murder me. He told me he was going to give me a warn for breaking nlr right after I had spawned , and he wouldn't let me leave before he could tell me over and over that the staff's word is final. ( he of course , abused this rule as well. ) After that incident I spotted explosions on a rooftop , knowing people aren't normally allowed to base there I report it to , Mirx , who tole me it was legal. He told me that they had gotten there legitimately. It turns out Jwish , Galexy , and Mirx had based up there and were using invisible ladders to get up and down. ( Violating rule 4.2 " no invisible props " ) I went up to the fire station tower to collect screen shots , where I was confronted and harassed , even cursed out by galexy and jwish , they then murdered me leading to the nlr warn , which thankfully , never happened. After that I waited for nlr to be over in which I went back to said tower and obsereved , taking screen shots every now and then , even screen shots of the invisible props. Jwish came over to kill me but I had placed a fading door in which he insisted was propblock , which galexy told me he was going to warn me for. I told him that was false there was a keypad and I left , he teleported me back over and over , and never even initiated a conversation after. Then all three spam pictures of me , and follow me around , mirx tells me he's becoming an admin. After that they continue following me , then I gave them warns , afterwards mirx and friends walked up to me and mirx said , " shoot me , I dare you , go ahead kill me , You won't " in which they argue that I followed them , and threatened them and harassed you guessed it THEM. Finally galexy tries to steal my car so I killed him , he reports me and without mirx listening to a word I say BAM warn number 3! I then told them I would get a higher ranking admin to help deal with them in which no one responded. I love zarp but to put it simply these were the worst minutes of my entire time on zarp.
Thank You , for your time , please think of my request.