Name - baconboy2002, Deadzombie2002 TiuX
Steam-ID - Baconboy: STEAM_0:0:160735276 and DeadZombie: STEAM_0:0:85961219
Evidence of Steam-ID -
Server - Murder
Time and date (CET) - 6/7/17 09:24 am
Other comments - /
Reason - Playing racism music/taunts with mic , RDM , Disrespect and micspamming
Story- I joined the zarp murder server to play and get some activity and then people were rulebreaking and i told them 2 stop but where going on sadly but deadzombie and Baconboy where micspamming and playing racism things in there mic and TiuX only RDMed me for a few times but the worst are Bacon and Deadzombie for making the game boring and stupid to rulebreak and were going on with there rulebreak with RDM disrespect and racism
Rulerbeak video 1
Rulerbeak video 2
Rulerbeak video 3