Azgeda Gang Ban Report.
7 years 6 months ago #624219
Name - |G| Small Spook , Columbine and Big Sppok
Steam-ID - STEAM_0:0:81742780 , STEAM_0:154572533, STEAM_0:0:151871728
Evidence of Steam-ID - In the video
Server - Server 2
Time and date 4:50PM GMT
Other comments -
Reason -
Story - So i was just playing when these intimidating bunch of kids started following me because they have an obsession with me
all that happens to me whenever I say anything even remotely directed at them whether it be criticism or just saying GG, they try to provoke me and say 'mad?' or 'Salty?', I'm starting to wonder if their vocabularly extends beyond that.
i do try my best to refrain them from calling you salty gamers. Believe it or not i do try to keep my gang underr control. Even if they weren't in my gang they would end up still doing the same thing. So by me having them in my gang i can limit what they do. Literally don't understand what any of you really mean though like half of you here 'harass' us many times constantly pm'ing me saying my gang is shit and typing it in ooc as well. If you have a problem with my gang either get over yourself or report the individual. Though i wouldn't call your self a saint either
Have a problem message me on steam about it i won't be replying to this thread.
i do try my best to refrain them from calling you salty gamers. Believe it or not i do try to keep my gang underr control. Even if they weren't in my gang they would end up still doing the same thing. So by me having them in my gang i can limit what they do. Literally don't understand what any of you really mean though like half of you here 'harass' us many times constantly pm'ing me saying my gang is shit and typing it in ooc as well. If you have a problem with my gang either get over yourself or report the individual. Though i wouldn't call your self a saint either
Have a problem message me on steam about it i won't be replying to this thread.
I do agree that saying that these three are 'Azgeda' and it is a little bit unfair to say that and I do agree that kicking them from Azgeda will change nothing, I do my best to ignore what they're saying but when it's constant it does get agitating.
i do try my best to refrain them from calling you salty gamers. Believe it or not i do try to keep my gang underr control. Even if they weren't in my gang they would end up still doing the same thing. So by me having them in my gang i can limit what they do. Literally don't understand what any of you really mean though like half of you here 'harass' us many times constantly pm'ing me saying my gang is shit and typing it in ooc as well. If you have a problem with my gang either get over yourself or report the individual. Though i wouldn't call your self a saint either
Have a problem message me on steam about it i won't be replying to this thread.
Azgeda Gang Ban Report.
7 years 6 months ago #624582
Hello Gloratic, after looking into your report I've come to the conclusion toACCEPT+DENYthis report, with reason:
Small Spook has been banned for having 11+ recent warnings and printing in the mines.
Big Spook has been spoken to about his attitude on the server and his rules breaks.
Columbine has been spoken to but you didn't provide evidence of his steam id so he hasn't been warned.
Small Spook, Big Spook
Thanks for the report
If you need to talk on steam feel free, lock please.