Name - (What is the accused person's name?) The Winged Dragon Of Raa
Channel - (Which channel was this in?) TTT Channel/Chat room 3
Time and date (CET) - (When did it happend?) About 16:45 English time
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?) Kicking me for Constant Disrespect when i Called him immature? LOL
Reason - (What rules did the person break?) Falsely kicking me,
Story - (What happened?) Well, I was on ts, And i went in his channel (TTT Channel) He kept on saying like 3 times Oh it's BananaSlanger, One of the ONLY people i have muted, 3 Times. Really? So i decided to call him immature, Because he's just acting with a bad attitude.
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
Who was in the channel? - ( People that was in the channel at the time. ) Raa, Me, And John Satanic.