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Anime Panda Staff Member(s) SteamID: dunno What did the Staff Member(s) do?: earlier today this mod began swerving around on the road and deliberately hitting ppl, saying it was his right as a road user, he then began ramping off the road onto the sidewalk with other players, some of whom began colliding with people at which point me being a SAS player decided that was enough as he narrowly avoided hitting me shot at them. He then teleports me around telling me i broke NLR for shooting him as they ran down pedestrians, then completely refuses to listen to my version of events. He then proceeds to carry before killing people on the outskirts of the city coming up as murder on my screen. When he came back to the city he began shooting at me again, at which point I shot back at him and arrested him, then he teleported himself out of prison and forced another law enforcer to un-arrest him, and he again warned me for NLR resulting in a kick which meant I was no longer SAS. This is disgusting behaviour. Once i rejoin and raise an F1 with one of the admins, the mod then tells the admin that he was just driving and people were in the way. I then get annoyed at him and shoot him in his face, which then results in a ban for rdm. I have an account from Jediturt1e that says he then proceeded to become SAS, and arrested this mod due to him now being wanted after he killed me, shortly before my warn. After this the mod then tells him that he broke NLR and then kicks him. In this short time the mod managed to kill 5 people in a row after deliberately swerving down the road and even turning back to finish people off which infuriated several of us, and whenever any of us tried to defend ourselves we would be warned and shot and all sorts all due to his 'rights'. This is disgusting behaviour for a mod and he shouldnt be allowed to terrorize any other players. What server(s) was this on?: DarkRP Server 3 Evidence: didnt get any as i wasnt able to screenshot at the time |
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Gg no proof
Most people are searching for happiness. They’re looking for it. They’re trying to find it in someone or something outside of themselves. That’s a fundamental mistake. Happiness is something that you are, and it comes from the way you think.
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Don't leave out the important parts bud, like mass disrespect and taking staff matters into your own hands.
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I'm going to need you to get some proof bud.
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Alright man I gave you over 1 day and you still haven't came up with some proof so this has been denied, next time get some proof.
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