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Staff Member(s) Name: Mr Hotz
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:156689873 What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Did not punish the rulebreaker which was Mentally unable, after I have pm him twice to do something, he did nothing which isn't good of him to do so as a staff member. What server(s) was this on?: SSRP Server 1 Evidence: I would much rather have him spoken to rather than be put into account so he can improve rather than be punished. |
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Ill handle this!
Ex - SSRP Super Admin
Ex - SURF Super Admin Ex - Teamspeak Staff Ex - SSRP Section Moderator Ex - Server Applications Section Moderator Ex - Prophunt Administrator
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I'll. come on teamspeak just seen this
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Hello Clarky! I have been speaking to both you and Mr Hotz over Team Speak and we have spoken about the situation and i have decided to take no actions towards Mr Hotz as what we have spoken about shows that he was not as observant and did not see the chat. He did not see the rule breaks as we have discussed and you have accepted his apology. No action will be issued towards the staff member. Thank you for your report.
Ex - SSRP Super Admin
Ex - SURF Super Admin Ex - Teamspeak Staff Ex - SSRP Section Moderator Ex - Server Applications Section Moderator Ex - Prophunt Administrator
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