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So i was playing on your sever and was a police officer, one person killes me in the spawn area no big deal, but then him and his friend repededly kill me and another player about 60-70 times, an admin eventually steped in going by the name of Kebu, the problem though is that he was telling me i was wrong for breaking NLR even though i could not leave the spawn and he didnt do anything about the rdmers in question, when i told him i could not leave the spawn and not break NLR because i was being spawnkilled he proceeds to tell me that all i had to do was walk away, problem is how can i walk away when i am being killed within 1-2 seconds of spawning in. So then me and the other guy who was being spawncamped as well as a guy who saw the whole thing bring him over near the spawn where we show him the blood just outside the yellow pillars. He then says "Well clearly its because you where running at them and thats why you were being shot, mabey you should put your gun away". now for most of the time i had not had a gun out, i only pulled out a gun after i had been killed about 40 times. we explain this to him and he doesnt care. So then we show him the spot were we spawn in general and show him the blood and bullet holes in the ground, he still claims all we had to do was run away even though we couldnt because we were being shot at right as we spawned. He then justifies their actions by saying that its okay for them to shoot us because we are breaking NLR. now once again, this is in the respawn zone we were killed right as we spawned in, how am i supposed to move away and stop breaking NLR when I cant even move. So I feel admin Kebu did not handle the situation properly and he was very inefective at his job
Last Edit: 7 years 6 months ago by The Nicest Guy.
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if that's real he handled it really poorly
but we need a video proof we can't trust words against staff ! |
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There is a template you need to follow, please remember to provide valid evidence as it will greatly help with the report.
[b]Staff Member(s) Name:[/b]
[b]Staff Member(s) SteamID:[/b]
[b]What did the Staff Member(s) do?:[/b]
[b]What server(s) was this on?:[/b]
[b]Evidence:[/b] |
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You've been ample chance to update your thread with the correct template and valid evidence and failed to do so. |
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