Staff Member(s) Name:
Bleach #BunnyForDemote
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Handle "sits" in a very lazy and a manner where it seems he doens't actually give a shit.
In the space of about 30mins he managed to warn 2 rule breakers without even talking to them about what they did wrong.
In the first video he was RDA'd by a cop, rather than taking him to a sit and telling him what he did wrong Bleach froze, TP'd to him and warned him without uttering a single word.
In the second video its a similar story, Bleach was RDM'd and again rather than taking the rule breaker to a sit he freezes, TP's and warns them without a word.
What server(s) was this on?: