Name - (What is the accused person's name?)
A Good Pianist
Channel - (Which channel was this in?)
Top Spacer
Time and date (CET) - (When did it happend?)
17:41:59, 17:44:02
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?)
He had a plugin downloaded to instantly spamm poke people he did it once to me i asked him not to and said in TS infront of pitt
Reason - (What rules did the person break?)
3 - Do not harass users.
Story - (What happened?)
B4nQk0K and A Good Pianist downloaded some plugin to autospamm people in teamspeak B4nQk0K did it to me but he stopped like a good person whereas i told A Good Pianist to stop and he did it again
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
Who was in the channel? - ( People that was in the channel at the time. )
Me, A Good Pianist, B4nQk0K, Lewis, Sada (he was afk),Perry (also AFK), Hammad (afk as usual)
To note after being spammpoked i got very annoyed and said regrettable things