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Staff Member(s) Name: Itzyaboytoto
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:100868873 What did the Staff Member(s) do?: He slayed me in a botched and unruly way, without asking me what happened, after I killed an innocent and even gave him verbal explanations the round before. I had killed only 1 innocent the round in question, and for good reason, he shot towards me right after i killed a T. Was that T baiting or accidental, I don't know but it is what happened and Itzyaboytoto made absolutely no effort to find out the truth or check the logs for shots. He proved absolutely unable to adress the problem and became dismissive, finding his best shots in "he didnt damage you", "i have a right to slay before reports are sent" and "you killed 2 innocents last round, go to sleep". What server(s) was this on?: Zarpgamer TTT 1 Evidence: the logs from 45 minutes ago. I only got slayed once the whole night, that's the one. |
Last Edit: 7 years 8 months ago by Sparrow.
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I'll send this to an SA ASAP. Thanks for making this post!
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I'll handle this
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Hello Sparrow, I have read your story and I have ty get this
Reason being: Lack of proof. I can see the slay etc but I can not see that you were innocent in this case. You don't have any solid proof to show that you didn't RDM. |
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