spodermon wrote:
vitx wrote:
spodermon wrote:
this post is a pile of garbage and should be locked
Yes i understand that but that not how it works if someone make a demote Request it should be handel by a Owner. dosn't metter if its a CM or a normal Admin/Mod it should be handel on same way.
para told in the first page it would be handled in the meeting, those other 6 pages are useless
this one is on tyler he came to me asking me to unlock it so any drama created here is on him .
There actually isn't any policy that i cannot handle this. I can accept or deny this when ever i please .
But i feel this should be dealth in a cm team meeting instead of just denying or accepting stuff by my self.
Though i still strongly suggest for vitx to upload any form of proof to back up his story.
Because right now this is just angry chatter and empty threats.
This topic has little to no actual content based upon him doing anything wrong.