Staff Member(s) Name: |O| Sorle
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: This staff member had an explosion of hate towards me soon after I called his gang "toxic" (which I believe it is). He called me a "beg" in chat and that "no one wanted me in the gang anyway". I was later on playing with some friends, and come across Sorle in game. He started insulting me, so obviously I was insulting him back. I believe in a situation like this, instead of retaliation with instults he should have issued a mute/gag or a warn of some kind (or atleast asked me to stop) my friend (Darth Vayder) got most of this on record. Later that night at about 10PM I messaged him "Hello best friend" which he replied with "Dont say fuck all on here" The conversation carried on with him insulting me (I did not insult him once in this conversation) and eventually him telling me to "kill myself" and that he was "resigning anyway". I believe a person so unstable like this should not be on the staff team as Sorle has not been staff for even a week, and has already snapped under pressure.
What server(s) was this on?: ZARPGAMING.COM - S1 Evidence:
Seeing at the top of the Steam conversation shows you saying "Hello Bestfriend" and "I love you" trying to piss him off on Steam. Just makes you look like a massive cunt.
Always fun to see a Gang owner get ripped apart. Good reason why they shouldn't be one in the first place. You didn't pass the test and your immaturity is a living proof of that. You have moderator powers, you can leave, you can find a reason to kill him but you decide to cry for it.
Always fun to see a Gang owner get ripped apart. Good reason why they shouldn't be one in the first place. You didn't pass the test and your immaturity is a living proof of that. You have moderator powers, you can leave, you can find a reason to kill him but you decide to cry for it.
its funny to see you calling me out for immaturity when all you do is minge on the forums
you clearly didnt pass the test to own the minecraft server LUL
I heavily messed up here and I do apologise, but tbf (no offense intended here) you were kinda being a prick, not trying to say what I was doing was right, but there was no point in acting like this on your side.
EDIT: Might want to add the fact that you lied in the description of your story. I didn't start insulting you for no reason, you were being incredibly annoying and trying to piss me off first.
Yachty, you started this whole bullcrap and you were harassing Sorle as I heard, you seem so fucking immature and annoying in-game or at all times. What’s the matter with you? Stop being an absolute dick to everyone thinking that you're the smart one around. Sorle had neither done nothing wrong to you but you were just an annoyance to him and he's pissed, so the whole point is stop being a dick and a little immature guy
I agree with Mexi, you tried your hardest to piss him off then make a demote request when he finally snaps ? How much of a dick do you have to be to do that ? Sorle hadn't done anything wrong at the time and he's currently doing a great job as a staff member. You sent him steam messages just to try and piss him off, I also highly doubt he'll be punished for the shit he said in the steam messages.
Never had an issue with you calling the gang toxic, it's when you started bragging about leaving and thats when I said nobody wanted you anyway. You were nice to me and I was nice to you until you left the gang and started being petty about it.
1. your steam messages are point less as it happen'd out side of the community, the only thing you can do is report it to steam good luck getting anything done about it.
From what it have seen of you in game you love to provoke people, and despite what sorle said in those videos you are also partly to blame sorle is only human like the rest of us, and to be honest what he said is not even that bad if you can't take that then get of the internet he could of said much worse then that, people can only take so much,
i mean if you cannot handle what you give them just leave people alone you only have yourself to blame.
as for steam its irrelevant and him calling you a beg ect.. is not disrespect as you are a beg
You are obviously trying to cause drama. You posted on his resignation slating him of what he did instead of taking it to get dealt with the normal way.
Seems like you were just looking for trouble at this point and I'm pretty sure you were trying to get him demoted by harassing him.
You are both in the wrong for harassment and Sorle for disrespect but it is either you both get punished or none. Your choice
As someone who used to constantly trigger people on purpose, i kinda understand why this kid did what he did, the feeling you get when you've managed to push someone so far that they get absolutely pissed off and have a mental breakdown is absolutely amazing in a very sick and fucked up way, but just because i understand why you did what you did, doesn't make it okay in my eyes. The fact that you've continued your bullshit on the forums proves to absolutely everyone that you're a total minge, and don't deserve to play on Zarp servers, im sure some of those 24/7 minecraft servers with little kids as admins would love a minge like you. Sorle had a very good reason to do what he did. You're the only one to blame here.