Staff Member(s) Name: |M| The BananaSlanger
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139769460
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: I understand that 1 of my warns was legit as i did revenge rdm but when i was killed in spawn, as soon as i respawned, this admin teleported me and warned me for NLR even though i had left spawn. He also said that if the person accusing me of rdm swor again he would get a warn but when this happened, the person who swor got no warning even though there was proof. Later on, someone with a similar name to me called someone an ass hat and because The bananaslanger is trying to pick on me, he immediately teleported me and threatened to warn me without even checking who wrote the message
What server(s) was this on?: DarkRP server 1 on rp_downtown
Evidence: - When i was wrongly accused of foul language. - The message made by someone else, not me. As you can see the names can be easily distinguished as different names.