[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538835
Staff Member(s) Name: Pennybomber
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114739285
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Tried scamming twice, which I get is not illegal, but I'm guessing abusing the Middleman service for one of them is.
So, this: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/general-d...h-pennybomber#538817 happened yesterday, Pennybomber tried to scam me for 260m. But this server has scam legalized for some reason, that's fine. But an admin scamming? An admin should be judged by the highest standards of trust and player respect. Anyway, fine, I made a thread just to give a heads up to others so they don't fall for something similiar. Fast forward to today, I wake up, have my breakfast, turn on the PC and join Zarp. Right after I join, a guy tells me he will sell me a Hyper Suit but only if we use middleman service. I'm like... "what? Ok, he must be knew and doesn't know there's a trade system, probably opened a case and got lucky, I'll do a middleman if he insists". You guys can imagine my face once I get there and it's Pennybomber on the same deal... Open console>type "record">Lets do this bois.. But still, I went up the roof, thinking this could be a mistake, then the guy pretends to be frozen on gmod and I've to do it with pennybomber because he can't move. At this point I understood it was 100% another scam try. The funniest part was when I added $260, to Pennybomber and the other guy says "No! You said 260 MIL, 260 M-I-L", he somehow knew I was already trading with Pennybomber and knew I did not add the right amount... Then he says Pennybomber can show him the suit and the guy that had been frozen all along managed to trade with Pennybomber without me noticing and Pennybomber even has a bind for the suit at hand.
At this point I'm having a giggle, thinking "this can't be happening, the cameras are going to come into play, Chute appears out of nowhere and says "it's a prank bro" and we all have a laugh".
I tell him "is that the suit you tried to scam me yesterday with?" and I swear to God I can hear the regret all the way from Portugal. They both start to get nervous, Pennybomber said he sold his suit in the last 5 hours and that suit wasn't his suit and decide to cancel it quickly. As soon as I get down, the guy pretending to sell the suit leaves the server.
Now in all seriousness, this can't go on. One thing is to scam as a player, but when you're an admin, most players will trust you, they have to, you've been assigned to certain powers that players think you deserve. There's a fine line between trying a little scam, like he did yesterday where I didn't even see him and this, today. He used a friend, they thought about it, they made a plan, they were talking in TS or some extern system and they were using his powers as admin to issue a sense of trust into me so I would give him items. This can't be a "I'll talk to him situation", I believe he can't be an admin, this is the worst thing I've seen on Zarp, if a new player comes and this happens to them, what will they tell other players about the server? It's the Zarp brand/reputation that's on the line, admins should never be allowed to use their powers for something like this.
I hope that whoever handles this can understand the bigger picture.
Thank you.
What server(s) was this on?: Zarp DarkRP Server 1
Sorry for the quality of the video, you can see my text replies, but I will leave the transcript from my console here incase you have difficulties reading from the screen.
Before the video:
(PM) MAGIEjam: come to fountain district can we do a middleman trade for hyper suit?
(PM) Archick: Middleman trade?
(PM) Archick: What do you mean?
(PM) MAGIEjam: come to fountain district
Once the video starts, I use only text while they speak via mic:
(I try to take out the middleman, by explaining him there's a system for trade)
Archick: There's a trade system
Archick: There's a trade system, middleman is for vip/boosters
(At this point I realized it was a scam, so I play along)
Archick: So I give the money to you?
(To Pennybomber, I mean)
Archick: But why don't you give me the suit for the money directly?
(He replies that he has been scammed and will only do it like this)
Archick: ok
[TRADING] Sent a trade request to Pennybomber
(I add $260 and not 260 millions. At this point I realize they are talking about this outside gmod)
[TRADING] Trade cancelled by Archick
(He says he will show me the suit)
Archick: The same suit he tried to scam me with yesterday?
Archick: Is that the one boi?
MAGIEjam: y
Archick: Using the middleman service for a scam
Archick: Nice try though
Archick: Don't worry bud, the admins will decide. You didn't really think I didn't record this?
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538839
HellForce wrote:
Admins can scam. Only thing that people can't scam is VIP and Boosterpacks.
It's not a player to player scam, it's using middleman to scam and therefor status as admins to do so.
This is why you should never be an admin again, you have zero sense of responsibility and accountability.
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538849
It's against the rules when you scam as a middleman, the middle man is there to help you and also is out of rp and therefore you can't scam. So this is wrong.
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538853
I didn't really give a shit about him scamming anymore but abusing an official service like this is scummy (and against the rules). This combined with the fact that this guy is less mature than some 11 year olds on here deserves a demote or 2 strikes in the least in my opinion.
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538855
PerzioN wrote:
It's against the rules when you scam as a middleman, the middle man is there to help you and also is out of rp and therefore you can't scam. So this is wrong.
Also why wasn't penny admin on duty as he was middle manning
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538857
Gody wrote:
PerzioN wrote:
It's against the rules when you scam as a middleman, the middle man is there to help you and also is out of rp and therefore you can't scam. So this is wrong.
Also why wasn't penny admin on duty as he was middle manning
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538898
Wait so what do you want him demoted for? Because you can scam as a middleman.. YOU CAN NOT SCAM FOR VIP/BOOSTER PACKS EVEN AS A MIDDLEMAN MAN HENCE WHY THE SERVICE WAS IMPLEMENTED.
ZARP as a community is welcome to all ages, we do not discriminate staff members based on any sort of age, sex, race, religion. They are instead judged by their character with the democratic vote of the staff team. We do not plan on this changing anytime soon.
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538908
Middleman Services are only here for the following:
2. Booster Packs
3. Steam games won from steam cases during the Steam boosterpack events
So not normal trades like a hyper suit. Still a dick move from Penny to ''use'' the middleman services for a trade like that when he knows he can scam them and they thinking they totally will not get scammed.
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538909
I am accepting this due to Grumpy saying in the video "I have been scammed before so I only trust Admins," or something along these lines. Penny abused his Admin rank here thus this being accepted. No demotion is necessary, I will only speak to Penny about it.
[SSRP] Demote request for Pennybomber
7 years 8 months ago #538952
This is not a valid report therefore it will be denied, despite of what Coutinroy said. You can't "abuse" your admin rank, it's all on you if you trust them or not with trades unless if it's for VIP and Booster Packs. Pennybomber did pull a dick move yeah, but it is allowed and this report is denied.