[SSRP Staff Report] BananaSlanger
7 years 10 months ago #537463
Staff Member(s) Name:
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Impeding movement using world props, using a building sign on the bank, attempting to punish for raiding a bank dupe with a building sign. Disrespect through steam and general bad attitude. Leaving in the middle of a sit. He muted someone for telling someone to fuck off, but tells a fellow staff member to fuck off over Steam. Attempted to blame EMP for giving him false information.
What server(s) was this on?:
Server 2.
Credit to Sorle for making this as I'm not too good at making these myself.
[SSRP Staff Report] BananaSlanger
7 years 10 months ago #537469
Rigth. So basicly... I tped back and froze you, Cause i've been told earlier by EMP, I can make a building sign in bank and not get raided. So i did. You raided me and i came back and froze you. And the thing where i left is because he said it like it was his final conclusion. So i thougth so. So i left cause i thougth the sit was over cuz meh had to take a shower. So as i thougth it was his final conclusion, i left. And the world prop thingy. I thougth it was allowed as it wasnt my prop that did that.