Time and date (CET) - (When did it happen?) 2017-04-05 15:40~ish UTC/GMT +3 hours EEST
(Eastern European Summer Time)
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?) Just video.
Reason - (What rules did the person break?) RDM Multiple times/NLR/Self suply suspect/Changing his name
Story - (What happened?) I join server, and i find that im dead, and i saw Game Thag killing ppl on spawn, he waited like 5 secs after a kill, until he killed us all in spawn. Sadly, i don't have proof of that, but i have proof of other stuff what happend. ( in a video )
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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First off thanks for making this report! I've watched over the video and the user will receive a 3 day ban for Mass RDM. I'd also like to note please don't disrespect even if they're rulebreaking, remember, you want them to get in trouble not the other way around.