Warn Req/Refund please
7 years 9 months ago #516047
Name - His name is down below :https://gyazo.com/61643680d7191bd13db5803c37723c80.His name in game i think was torque.You will se in the video Steam-ID - STEAM_0:0:81398050 Evidence of Steam-ID -
Server - (What server was this on?)ZARPGAMING Server 3 Time and date (CET) - (When did it happen?)Don't know the time but it happend around 15:30pm gmt Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?)Nothing else than i refund if it's possible since i know you don't just give to people but i would be happy if i got my dia pick back Reason - (What rules did the person break?)Random Death Match Story - (What happened?)I was just basically mining when this kid just comes shoots like 3 of us and than says that he was raiding he was RDMing Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
Sorry for the bad quality but you can still see it i hope
Warn Req/Refund please
7 years 9 months ago #516058
Hello! Grumpex!
After looking at your report and I've decided to accept your report!
He's clearly RDMed, and even though the steamID wasn't from the tab menu like I'll suggest you do next time, I was able to use his steamID and track it back to a singature to make sure the names checked out.