Godmode on while a hit was placed.
7 years 9 months ago #508366
Staff Member(s) Name: Reddot
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:206055955
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Put his goddmode on during a hit placed on him.
What server(s) was this on?: DarkRP.
Evidence: [HITMAN] A bounty was placed on Reddot*RoadTo1kF1s*'s head! ($2,500)
After firing 2 mags of M4A1 into him.
(PM) Kaiser Anglais: Screenshot logs of your damage then
(PM) Reddot*RoadTo1kF1s*: no damadge logs
(PM) Reddot*RoadTo1kF1s*: damage
Godmode on while a hit was placed.
7 years 9 months ago #508377
I'm going to deny this due to lack of evidence and the fact that Reddot is a moderator thus he cannot grant himself god mode. I will check to see if he was godded by an admin for you and if that is the case deal with the admin in question. Thank you for your report.