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Name - (MillkyMan?)
Steam-ID - (STEAM_0:0:80342045) Evidence of Steam-ID - () Server - (DARKRP Server 1 ) Time and date (CET) - (I am PT, 5:30 AM Sunday, Central European Time (CET) is 8:30 PM Saturday, Pacific Time (PT)) Other comments - (dis heartening to see stuff like this ?) Reason - (CDM?) Story - (walking down street look back cause i heard car, Hit me, Its on video!) Proof - () |
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You need proof that it was in fact MilkMan and not a random SAS.
I'll give you some time to provide sufficient proof otherwise this will be denied. |
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You've not provided any proof as to whom ran you over so I'm gonna have to deny this. In the future when making reports please make sure that you include proof of both the player breaking rules and their SteamID. Thank you.
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