Name - African Ducky
Steam-ID - STEAM_0:1:45254402
Evidence of Steam-ID -
Server - DarkRP Server 1
Time and date (CET) - 3/1/17 around 12:45 AM
Other comments - I'm new to the server and he has been harassing me since I have joined
Reason - Raiding While Building / Harassment
Story - Since I've joined the server and built my toll as a hobo, African Ducky went out of his way to bother me. When potential customer would come up he would just knock down my props, or would randomly kill me during a "raid". Every couple minutes without missing a beat he would return to my toll and destroy it and kill me having no net gain other than to bother me.
Now for the proof you can see that he clearly saw the building signs on both sides of my toll. He ran to the end of the tunnel and destroyed my toll without a reason from a distance and then tried to hide in the house in the screenshots.
His apparent "reasoning" for this while I was building was that I was blocking the road, which isn't true. The side walk was open for anyone to walk through, and if a car came (which one never did while I was building) I would open the door for them to pass and return to building.
This isn't the first problem I've had with him, as there had been mods/admins constantly called, yet since they personally didn't witness it nothing was done.
Proof -