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TOPIC: DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request

DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request 8 years 5 days ago #498496

Name - African Ducky
Steam-ID - STEAM_0:1:45254402
Evidence of Steam-ID -http://i.imgur.com/VOAKdXC.jpg
Server - DarkRP Server 1
Time and date (CET) - 3/1/17 around 12:45 AM
Other comments - I'm new to the server and he has been harassing me since I have joined
Reason - Raiding While Building / Harassment
Story - Since I've joined the server and built my toll as a hobo, African Ducky went out of his way to bother me. When potential customer would come up he would just knock down my props, or would randomly kill me during a "raid". Every couple minutes without missing a beat he would return to my toll and destroy it and kill me having no net gain other than to bother me.

Now for the proof you can see that he clearly saw the building signs on both sides of my toll. He ran to the end of the tunnel and destroyed my toll without a reason from a distance and then tried to hide in the house in the screenshots.

His apparent "reasoning" for this while I was building was that I was blocking the road, which isn't true. The side walk was open for anyone to walk through, and if a car came (which one never did while I was building) I would open the door for them to pass and return to building.

This isn't the first problem I've had with him, as there had been mods/admins constantly called, yet since they personally didn't witness it nothing was done.
Proof - http://imgur.com/a/CoCXL
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DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request 8 years 5 days ago #498498


I saw someone destroying it but the proof isn't enough...
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DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request 8 years 5 days ago #498499

I'll handle this
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DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request 8 years 5 days ago #498501

Do you have more evidence that it was him?
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DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request 8 years 5 days ago #498505

I don't know how I could've had better proof, he destroyed the base from out of my line of sight. He was the only one destroying my base for the entire time I was on the server and no one else was around. Its not even that he denied that he destroyed it either, he just thinks he is untouchable and won't be punished for it. I don't know if you can check the logs but I remember him saying something similar to, "Go ahead and use f1 I'll get out of it"

For reference, Xxredhurt and Windows ME both saw him destroy my base before these screenshots.
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DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request 8 years 5 days ago #498509

Llamacito wrote:
I don't know how I could've had better proof, he destroyed the base from out of my line of sight. He was the only one destroying my base for the entire time I was on the server and no one else was around. Its not even that he denied that he destroyed it either, he just thinks he is untouchable and won't be punished for it. I don't know if you can check the logs but I remember him saying something similar to, "Go ahead and use f1 I'll get out of it"

For reference, Xxredhurt and Windows ME both saw him destroy my base before these screenshots.

1. Better proof/more proof as in, a screenshot with the person in there holding the tgun showing their name above their heads.
2. if Windows ME and RedHurt saw him destroying it, then why did they not deal with it.
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DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request 8 years 5 days ago #498510


You have no prove that he was destroying it, you need to see his in-game character destroying it.

Sorry Lad

Lock Please
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DRP S1 - African Ducky Ban Request 8 years 4 days ago #498740

How would I get proof of him destroying it with a screenshot if he was out of my line of sight. As I said before, he didn't deny destroying my base. The moderators did not do anything about it because at the time he was doing it, while they were on, I didn't have a building sign up.

I'd really appreciate it if some investigating actually happened. There was no possible way for me to get "sufficient" proof of it happening because as said before, he would hide out of sight and demolish any building I constructed every 5 minutes.
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Last Edit: 8 years 4 days ago by Llamacito.
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