To whom it may concern:
I was playing on your server for the first time today, and I found "mrmmo" to not only be disrespectful, but also condescending, emotional, and extremely childlike. I feel this does not reflect well on your TTT server, and would like him to be demoted. Heres why:
Incident: I see the detective alive and am actively talking with him in chat. 10 seconds later, I see his body dead and Mrmmo right above it. So what happens? like any rational human being, I kill mrmmo on very high suspicion. Mrmmo, being a moderator, procedes to slay me even after I explain to him with 2 paragraphs worth of text why he is wrong. Let me copy and paste how it went down:
Daisy (me): "I had extremely high suspicion that warranted me killing you, I saw you leave the detectives body literally 10 sec after he died
Mrmmo: "suspicion is not a reason to kill. so slay is okay"
Daisy: Suspicion is not an absolute, it operates on a sliding scale. You will never know "for sure" if somebody is a traitor, unless you are hacking. For example, if I see you shoot a detective, I am suspicious you are a T, but it is ENOUGH suspicion to warrant a kill. As a rational being, I had ENOUGH suspicion to kill you, so it was justified.
Then, Mrmmo proceeds to be extremely childlike, realizing he is wrong, and show why his position needs to be revoked.
Mrmmo: "Why you heff to be mad

, iz just a game"
He then continues to ignore the problem for his own personal opinion, even after I call him out on it, telling him that he is justifying himself as a sovereign being and ignoring and outright condemning any positive discourse that points out he is wrong. Instead of responding with discussion, he threatens "stop arguing or I will ban you" in private chat. A moderator like this is not a good moderator, because it allows for a superiority complex that can only serve to harm others because he feels he is better than the rest and always right, allowing for abuse of power and misuse of power. For an extreme example, like slaveowners in the 1800s.
I urge you to remove him as moderator, as I am a rando player who had enough free time to spend 30 minutes writing this when I could've done many more productive things. If another player was not as passionate, he or she would not have spent the time writing this over 1 slay, so I am sure there is a pattern of abuse, but like the real world, most do not report it.
For any questions contact me:
Cow with pork.