I was playing on the server with a couple of my friends, and our base was being raided. We stopped the raid but the raiders continued to break NLR, so I filed an F1 report, which got no response from Stefan. That being said, he was the only staff member online at the time, so I understand that there mustve been other reports that he needed to tend to before coming to help the situation. Although, I had to send three reports, and even then I still got no response. Instead of coming to help the situation, he actually raided our base alongside the people who were breaking NLR, and I asked him numerous times to stop so I could explain the situation. I have a screenshot of what he said to me after the raid was over and all of our stuff was destroyed.
In the screenshot, our conversation consisted of me asking him to solve the situation, and telling him that it should be his priority to assist any players that have issues.
Thanks for taking the time to read all of that, I hope something can be done about the poor rule enforcement.
The link attached is a gyazo of what he said, the file was too large to attach.