Name of StaffMember?: ChefBoyardee
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147806315
Proof of Steam ID?:
Reason of Demotion?: First he warns me for Dis. b/c I said "Fuck Off" I personally don't believe thats disrespect but even if it was its a mute/gag. Second he warns me for RDM when I killed him WHEN I WAS MUGGING HIM and after he dies he does not bring me anywhere or tp to me he straight up warns me. 3RD HIS FRIEND IS DISRESPECTING ME AND HE DOES NOTHING AND CHANGES HIS NAME TO "penE" same as mine b/c he was saying in a downsyndrome voice "I'm penE derrrrrrrr" and his name was not "penE" when this happened and then he changed it to "penE", oh and this was Chef's friend. So Chef's friend adverts MUG when you have to do /me Mug and this was arround me, Radii, and Sick Plays all my friends we are in a steam call Right now but he adverts mug and kills ALL OF US and I'm yelling RDM RDM and chef says he was mugging you.... *facepalm* then he TPs ME BACK THATS ABUSE and I demand him to warn his mate and he types '/warn pene' warning me instead of the dude kicking me b/c of 3 warns......I've had many problems with him before and if you've had one put it below please get him off the server.