Mexi wrote:
Kylie wrote:
you're so cringe
You were to slow for me so when you tired to pull a gun out to kill me i was to quick to rek you :/ sad sad than you rage demoted me proppushed me and when i got a lil pissed over you, you started to record i love people like you! haha nice one.
So you killed/"rekt" him because he pulled out a gun?Not really a valid reason and you still had big gun as citizen,also Jordan you didn't provide any proof of him RDM'ing,he might had a reason to kill you.
mexi my lad no admin was on(tyler was but afk)
And there were rdm all around , so he shoot me sometimes i got sick of it than i started killing him when he ran at me with a gun i shoot him because when i didnt he shoot me
You werent on that time lad you dont know the reasons