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TOPIC: Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier

Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431725

Name - Samosa and Courier
Steam-ID - Samosa - STEAM_0:0:62187426 Courier - STEAM_0:1:64728337
Server - Zarp TTT
Time and date (CET) - 13/11 during the last meeting.
Other comments - N/A
Reason - Ghosting, RDMing, Meta-gaming, Disrespect
Story - Unfortunately it seems that Samosa and Courier were ghosting yesterday. This became apparent on a round where Samosa randomly killed two Traitors one for “pulling a knife on him” I was fairly close and saw no such situation go on so when it happened I asked him to show me the knife he had apparently “picked up” as well. He could not provide any evidence because the Traitor hadn’t even bought a knife that round nor did he have any time to get it off of his all living T buddy’s, the second person he killed he didn’t even give any background information for why, neither of them had done anything up until those points. After I saw that the Traitors were going off about “I never had any knife!” and “I didn’t do anything, I think he’s ghosting!” After the round ended I checked all the Ts to see if any matched with people on Samosa’s friend’s list and Courier did and nobody else. What happened literally the next round cemented the accusation, Samosa was my tbuddy and I was quickly found and taken out by Courier after having done literally NOTHING. It was an impossible situation to have happened without ghosting, how could either of them have known immediately what Ts to rdm, they didn’t rdm innos? They couldn’t have, neither myself nor did the other T do anything to arouse suspicion, not even fire a shot. Could they have randomly killed them and just gotten lucky? No, Samosa created up a fake scenario to have been able to kill him and courier said I was a traitor who was attempting to shoot at him, I hadn’t even fired, nobody did so it wasn’t confusion. People proceeded to accuse Samosa and Courier, naively this included me, I thought we could have a constructive conversation to resolve it. Immediately I was swarmed with a barrage of childish insults coming from Samosa and Courier, some included calling me ugly, though I’m very beautiful and some were much nastier. I played into it by telling them why I and other people made such accusations, this only enraged them further because they realized I caught them so they started claiming I was the one doing wrong and started blatantly rdming me. Later they said the accusations were harassment and reported me (staff was afk) even though they had been saying things I can’t and won’t repeat. So at this point I took a step back and told them that anything else should be continued on the forums, we shouldn’t disrupt the game with the nonsense any further and I muted them in tab. After some staff got back on I unmuted them to see if we could resolve the situation and this led to them getting several gags and warns. I definitely left out a lot of the intricacies of their disrespect and overall rule breaking but I don’t want to drag this out for years. Hopefully in the near future I'll be accepted as staff so I can control situations like this before they get out of hand.
Proof - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799339944 (Samosa double ghost rdm)
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799339716 (Victim confused at blatant rdm, later he went on to state he thought he was ghosting though I didn’t screencap that)
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799340082 (Me responding to Samosa’s claim that he had a knife, proving it to have been a blatant lie)
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799340082 (Courier ghost rdm on me)
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799340129 (Proving he shot at me first and that I hadn’t shot prior)
Even though this is enough to prove that they were ghosting it’s still worth mentioning that though they never outright admitted to ghosting they said things like “you’re an idiot for even caring when people break the rules on a video game” why would someone who claims to be innocent try to justify the guilty? Because they are guilty.
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Gryph ~
Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Gryphix.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431727

Hello! Make sure to update your post with the following template!
[b]Name[/b] - (What is the accused person's name?)
[b]Steam-ID[/b] - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?)
[b]Evidence of Steam-ID[/b] - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID)
[b]Server[/b] - (What server was this on?)
[b]Time and date (CET)[/b] - (When did it happend?)
[b]Other comments[/b] - (Anything else you want to add?)
[b]Reason[/b] - (What rules did the person break?)
[b]Story[/b] - (What happened?)
[b]Proof[/b] - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)

Also i will be handling this!
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«Μια καλή μαλακια είναι ίσον με τρία καλά γαμησια» Στεφανος Χίος 2019 μ.Χ.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431731

Hello do you have any Shot logs that would help the situation?
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431736

The only shot logs that I have are of when Courier ghosted to murder me, you can see he shot first, I hadn't even shot at all during the round nor could he have confused anything because we were alone. The claim that Samosa made on his first ghosting rdm was that he pulled a knife and you can clearly see that he never had one. I apologize that I don't have more of those but I can assure you that I checked them and that they were the ones to shoot first.
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Gryph ~
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431738

Do you mind if I update it in a bit? Extremely tired and writing this much was a hassle. I will fix it though.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431749

Gryphix wrote:
Do you mind if I update it in a bit? Extremely tired and writing this much was a hassle. I will fix it though.
No probs.

I noticed that alot of players were complaining about them but after spectating them for 5 minutes i didnt see anything suspicious until 1 of them confessed that they were on teamspeak and metagamed.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431758

Yeah, they stopped doing it after the accusations and started doing other stuff and stopped that when staff got back from the meeting, though they continued disrespect and several staff witnessed. They took advantage of everybody being away at the meeting.
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Gryph ~
Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Gryphix.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431822

If you don't update this topic with the template in 22 hours i am going to be denying this report abuse.
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«Μια καλή μαλακια είναι ίσον με τρία καλά γαμησια» Στεφανος Χίος 2019 μ.Χ.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431895

I moved this into the report abuse section for you. As Johnler said though you need to update your thread.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #431923

Fixed it.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432146

Her is a TL:DR for his thread:
1. He has no proof
2. He just wants admin
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432157

samosa wrote:
Her is a TL:DR for his thread:
1. He has no proof
2. He just wants admin
And why is it bad to try and become a staff member? Especially when he reports rulebreakers and tryes to improve the server.
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432184

Okay, so first of all I'd like to mention that he claimed four times that he was recording so where is said evidence? After this, these screenshots show nothing more than we're killing other players which if asked at the time I would have explained. Also, you have been badmouthing both of us to other staff who now seem to dislike us despite never meeting us beforehand. Is it a crime to want to play TTT with friends?

I'd love to see some actual, stone cold evidence that proves either of us to be breaking any of us breaking the rules. I appreciate you want to be staff but since having your account you have accused both me and Samosa, along with another player of ghosting with no reasonable evidence, how will this help but show that you jump the gun?

1) The reason for this was you shot at me but due to the range you missed your shots and I killed you.


2) What does this prove? A bit unnecessary here, just shows you in spectator mode.


3) Okay, so you saying he didn't have a knife is evidence? Surely this is for the staff to decide.


4) This is reasonable, but did Samosa get warned for this? No, no he didn't as the mods agreed with us.


As for the top screenshot, you'd have to ask Samosa himself.
Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by The_Courier. Reason: Adding more depth
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432188

Its a bad thing becuase he is making up evidence to try an get his appliction to a better position
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432191

I was a witness of this And i knew they were ghosting
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432196

Courier and Samosa , it wont get clearer then this Pahaha. So i was playing on the server and got some more evidence.
Ill link here this prints :

As u can see On round 135 The ceeze was rdmed . He was a traitor and he got rdmed in the begining of the round when he was AFK typing in the admin chat . I can comprove that since i was there. But Just look at his answer to the report ! XD says a lot.

Well on round 135 which was the round where the ceeze got rdmed Courier was a T aswell . Well that is weird isnt it?.

And to sum it up as you can see once I open Couriers friendlist Samosa is on there. If other complaints dont get enough proof for the report then this, which happened just now, ends it .
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Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Coldstuff. Reason: Grammar
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432209

I love how you only pick and choose supporting evidence but you don't have a go at the real stuff that proves you were both lying. For example, the screenshot of the shot logs proving you shot first and the screenshot of the logs proving he never bought a knife.
Everybody knows you were ghosting and you just got slain for ghosting again, the jig is up so there's no reason to keep at this.
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=800298028 (Caught ghosting again)
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432220

Excuse me but have I even seen you on the server before?
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432223

GODYoUNG3N wrote:
I was a witness of this And i knew they were ghosting

Excuse me, but have you ever been on the server at the same time as me?
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Proof of Ghosters- Samosa and Courier 8 years 3 months ago #432231

Samosa and Courier U made your last mistake when you were ghosting blantantly in the server when I was online ;)
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