Staff Member(s) Name: Richard // OG
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55785711
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: It started by Richard rageapplying a slay to a person who had a valid reason to kill him. Then after a guy accidently RDMd him, he proceeded to use !bring and revenge RDM the guy on the next round. He slayed me a few times, i think for the giggles. After that when i mentioned that i have screenshots of him doing something a mod shouldn't do, he flipped. He started abusing TSAY to message me while he was dead, started disrespecting me as i was a ''snitch'' who busted him abusing his powers. He then proceeded to add slays to me every time the round would start. After a few rounds he kicked me. Unfortunatly i didn't have time to take screenshots of the slays and the kick, since my gmod crashed after he kicked me.
What server(s) was this on?: Zarps TTT server.