Staff Member(s) Name:
marijnishier MsRevine4SA
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Verbal abuse, harassment.
What server(s) was this on?:
''marijnishier MsRevine4SA: Fuck you''
''marijnishier MsRevine4SA: cunt''
''marijnishier MsRevine4SA: suck a dick die in a hole''
''marijnishier MsRevine4SA: made me lose my shit''
When i tried to report it using F1 he marked my report as spam.
''[ZARP-Notice]: We got your request. An admin will be with you as soon as possible!
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[ZARP-Notice]: Your admin request was marked as spam and removed by marijnishier MsRevine4SA!
I joined ZARP for the first time in 2012, This is not the staff behaviour that I'm used to. Yes, I did RDM. But that's no excuse for the behaviour he was showing here. A staff member must be capable of keeping their cool in any situation, And losing your temper over such a small thing shouldn't be acceptable.