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Staff Member(s) Name: Jordan Johnston
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:34248193 What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Randomly ban me with a false reason What server(s) was this on?: DarkRP Evidence: vid.me/QcHj |
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accidentally put it in the general discussion. can somebody move it?
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You got banned for Mass RDM in the mines and from whats in the logs you had a mass amount of kills around that time so I have no other choice but to believe what the member of staff is saying. You could show any random video from any period of time and say that was the situation in question. I didn't show the member of staff the report I asked them about whos been banned today, names, reasons and locations(Servers) and you was on that list so there was ZERO chance of it been made up.
I recommend you either admit to your mistakes when you make a ban appeal or serve your time we don't tolerate rule breakers here. |
Last Edit: 8 years 2 months ago by RedPowder.
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