Oh let it begin.
_Max wrote:
I like how you fail to mention your racist name which is why you got banned. There was no abuse you called us "retards" had a 9/11 avatar and had a racist name.
Failed to mention, oh please. You could have at least did the favour and read the actual thread. And that wasn't a 9/11 picture, that was a simple little Anime Girl playing with Explosives.
ParaMontana wrote:
ill handle this.
Me requesting you not to handle this is clearly showing how immature you are, I stated I wished an Owner to handle this only. Your little SSRP Lead team how they help one another out making sure they don't get demoted nothing like that, thinking about it probably coming up with a bull shit reason.
spodermon wrote:
I'll have to say
no proof=denied
I really don't need proof, plus I would have proof if I still had my chat messages but I'm banned.
Tyler Durden wrote:
You have time and time again come on this teamspeak behaving in a disgusting way, yet you did so again. Tried tell us you were someone else than you were. You were given a chance by us to change your name and not be rude and offensive. Regardless of it someone was being racist to you it doesn't give you the right to do the same.
We told you to stop and to try help us figure out what the issues were but you threw it in our face instead and started calling us "fucking retards". You've shown time and time again that you can't handle being on our teamspeak server without breaking the rules hence there is no need for you to be on there.
It isn't difficult to change your attitude and to be nice for a change, I suggest doing it.
No hackers on this thread, ty.