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Staff Member(s) Name: Jordan Johnston
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:1768046 What did the Staff Member(s) do?: So i was playing with my friend he was putting props in the admin sit so i was trying to remove it and i was also talking and jordan warned me for trolling on S1.On S3 i was demoting someone for demoting me and RDMing and i got warned by jordan for that and he said it was Mass demote whem i demoted him once. P.S i know this will do nothing to him because hes a SA and im a player no admin gets demoted because owners and co owners or head admins think a SA is more truthful than a vip but i just want to fell better for the 2 false warnes he gave me Jordan i hate you if you where falling off a bridge i probly wouldent help you. And someones prop pushing weres jordan doing nothing. What server(s) was this on?: Zarp Server 3 Evidence: N/A *(My softwere isint working) |
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I'll get this moved to the correct section, I'd also recommend that you provide some form of evidence, as there is nothing to go of here dude.
If you'd like to appeal your warnings you can go here. and you'll need to use the warnings template, found below. Name - What is your in-game name? STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID? Staff Members Name - Who Warned You? Warning Reason - What was the reason of the warning(s)? Server - Which Server did this occur on? Story/Situation (What Happened?) - Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your warning(s)? |
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Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Brandify.
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Buddy, You were mass demoting one guy for rule breaks, When I said to you in OOC to not demote people for rule breaks. You were demotion people for RDM,NLR,PropPush etc witch is against the rules dude. I've explained that to you while I've warned you, if you come on TS (ts.zarpgaming.com), I'm sure Morgan will help you out.
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You have provided no proof of the staff member doing anything wrong hence this report abuse is denied, if you want to appeal your warning feel free to make a warning appeal using the appeal template in the appeals section.
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