Name: Mordecai and the Rigbys
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:28359662
Steam ID Evidence:
Date of Incident: 23/09/2016
Time of Incident: ~17:00
Server: TTT
Incident Narrative:
To summarise the story: Mordecai was breaking multiple rules, and despite multiple warnings and slays, continued to behave in a deplorable way and tarnish the operation of the server. His behaviour included disrespect, RDM, general trolling, spamming and making false reports. He has accumulated three warnings within 10 minutes for separate incidents and has an additional two warnings from the 14th for similar behaviour. His behaviour is unacceptable and he is persistent on ruining people's fun while he is online.
Attached are images of his RDM, a screenshot of his warning record and an example or two of the way he treats people in reports. Amongst several false reports of "mic spamming" whenever someone speaks for a second or two.