Staff Member(s) Name: El Diablo
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:75491833
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: So there was a guy named TheZeus Being on top score and choosing to be as a T for almost 20min in a row, and he was wining alot like mad and crazy, so everyone had bets on him and myself in a 1000 points. Then the user gets Slayed For the reason: Soft Aim, When asked El Diablo why, he replied with that he suspected him for cheating since hes getting high score and people betting on him, and when TheZeus and Myself asked him for video proof of him cheating, he warned us and said he would GAG us if we ask for proof.
Note: TheZeus is one of my friends, he is banned on the forums, i made this post mostly for him and for me losing 1000 points for no reason.
Note2: Some people might know TheZeus is my friend, But i went on TS and Asked him if hes really cheating and he said no hes not, and i wont accept myself if my friend is cheating.
Note3: El Diablo Said he did record it, if so TheZeus and myself and people who lost point, would like to see the recording.
What server(s) was this on?: Zarp TTT
Screenshot from Zeus