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Staff Member(s) Name: Diego Armando
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29949806 What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Earlier in the week I made a Demote Request for Diego Armando which was accepted as it showed him breaking NLR, abusing his powers and acting childish flooding chat with the words "demote me" You can find the request here: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/report-ab...-ssrp-demote-request Today I've had multiple messages from him, clearly upset that I made the demote request and threatening me with a warn request for "making a false demote request". He then sent me a picture he claims is proof that he was defibbed and never had NLR... the only issue with this picture is that it clearly shows he never spoke to me after the defib happened, proving it's a completely random defib and not relevant at all to my last demote request. I've taken pictures of his messages to me today basically stating I'd be warned if I didn't apologise. What server(s) was this on?: SSRP 1 Evidence: s16.postimg.org/uj9mv6ib9/image.jpg s16.postimg.org/9avydr3ud/image.jpg s16.postimg.org/rrqd4kjsl/image.jpg s16.postimg.org/fr4x3ucdx/image.jpg s16.postimg.org/4g29fh5it/image.jpg s16.postimg.org/4hc78w7cl/20160905204617_7.jpg s16.postimg.org/7pgolxtmd/20160905204630_1.jpg s16.postimg.org/axl5yzfw5/20160905205219_1.jpg s16.postimg.org/sc5e79d11/20160905205226_1.jpg s16.postimg.org/4zby2hmb9/20160905210240_1.jpg Here's a link to his "proof" which clearly shows our conversation from my last demote request didn't happen after the defib and he lied: images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/2...57583D449EEB60819BF/ Here are the pictures I used in my last demote request: s14.postimg.org/n2jctvknl/image.jpg s14.postimg.org/6g1sksrpt/image.jpg s14.postimg.org/qop66ir0x/image.jpg s14.postimg.org/ikh21s4lt/image.jpg s14.postimg.org/yjzplc0nl/image.jpg Overall I don't think he has the right attitude for a staff member, he's breaking rules and abused his powers to claim a hit(last DR). |
Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by Pixie.
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haha seriously you should stop trying to make me look bad, as you can see in the screenshot I got defib after you killed me, so no nlr no abuse no hit.
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The situation has already been handled.
#locked |
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