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Name - Nunu Steam-ID - STEAM_0:1:66825665 Evidence of Steam-ID - Server - Zarp SSRP Server 2 Time and date (CET) - 8/26/2016 - 9:00PM Reason - 1.2 Disrespect Story - I was building a base and got RDMMED, he goes on to verbally disrespect as shown in the video. Proof - REPORT 2: Name - The Flash Steam-ID - STEAM_0:1:156304867 Evidence of Steam-ID - Server - Zarp SSRP Server 2 Time and date (CET) - 8/26/2016 - 9:00PM Reason - 2.1 Random Death Match (x2) Story - I was building a base with Chroma when they drove up and killed me. He proceeded to then kill Chroma as well as shown in the evidence. Proof - |
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You make the most detailed reports ever. I love it.
Human is the name for a beast that can't rejoice their life without sacrifices. Former Deathrun Administrator Former SSRP Administrator Former Teamspeak Staff
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Megumin wrote:
You make the most detailed reports ever. I love it. Thank you ^_^ I hope one day I've made enough reports that people are scared to break rules around me ahah - Lit |
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