Time and date (CET) - (When did it happend?)
Around 12.15pm 19/08/16
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?)
I would like to say i wouldn't class this as bannable but a warn should be given to the player because its clear RDM and maybe LTAP
Reason - (What rules did the person break?)
RDM / Possibly LTAP
Story - (What happened?)
Was standing at banker I went to run of then I get a knife thrown at me for no apparent reason I ask who was that no response then I run through the bank up towards PD and as im about to enter PD I get shot in the back i make an f1 and find out that it was Legacy provided by the admin that took the F1.
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.
[SSRP] |T| LegacyTM Ban Request
8 years 4 months ago #376881
This player has been Warned in game and spoken to, they should re-read the rules and become more careful about killing people as Crossfire is no longer an excuse for RDM!
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.