Staff Member(s) Name: penny
Staff Member(s) SteamID:STEAM_0:0:114739285
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: So i Attempted to kill some one for hitting me and taking HP off me with there car baring in mind im half asleep and not long woke up i forgot to type /me Anyway Penny came along and said i have to do /me i said My bad im sorry i forgot i accept punishment He then said i have to read the rules i said im half asleep i just forgot please warn me and let me get on with my day he insist on me reading the MOTD i say no he then freezes me i still refuse after 5 mins then freezes me again after refusing to read the MOTD An admin even Agreed what he did was wrong....
What server(s) was this on?: Dark Rp Server 3