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TOPIC: report for adming abuse

report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368898

Staff Member(s) Name: Richard

Staff Member(s) SteamID: cant find his ID but you probably know who this is

What did the Staff Member(s) do?:I got banned from this admin incorrectly and incorrect evidence that dosent even show the whole story of what happend. I belive this admin were friend with the people that were abusing me and it felt like I was treated unfair in this case and the admin also ingnored my explaination and dident even ask the other guys what they did or something like that. The admin was just interrogated me and his choice to ban me for this case was because of my earlier bans which has nothing to do with this case and I think thats is a unprofessional act by admin and shall not be repeated. And the fun thing is that he dident even made a warning to the other guys what I believe is bad and unfair because I got 1 week ban when they dident even get a warning

What server(s) was this on?: darkrp server 1

Evidence: I have no evidence but I can send you the whole chat if you want me to do
Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by Luan. Reason: Adding template
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368900

If you want to make a demote request please fill this template:
Staff Member(s) Name:

Staff Member(s) SteamID:

What did the Staff Member(s) do?:

What server(s) was this on?:


A SuperAdmin or above will handle this for you ;)
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368903

I would be happy to handle this for you if you use the template .
I have also Moved this to the correct section for you
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368904

Staff Member(s) Name: Richard

Staff Member(s) SteamID: cant find his ID but you probably know who this is

What did the Staff Member(s) do?:I got banned from this admin incorrectly and incorrect evidence that dosent even show the whole story of what happend. I belive this admin were friend with the people that were abusing me and it felt like I was treated unfair in this case and the admin also ingnored my explaination and dident even ask the other guys what they did or something like that. The admin was just interrogated me and his choice to ban me for this case was because of my earlier bans which has nothing to do with this case and I think thats is a unprofessional act by admin and shall not be repeated. And the fun thing is that he dident even made a warning to the other guys what I believe is bad and unfair because I got 1 week ban when they dident even get a warning

What server(s) was this on?: darkrp server 1

Evidence: I have no evidence but I can send you the whole chat if you want me to do
Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by viktorvicke.
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368906

first thing im not richard friend

im helping this community to ban guys like you ( rules breakers )

second thing richard told you he saw my proof ( video )

and he talked to you he saw you mass rdm at spawn

you don't have any evidence that we rdmed you

so he denied your explaination

the cops were killing you cuz you have a gun out

and you are saying he is rdming me

you told richard i did rdmed you

i did not rdmed you i killed you with reason ( shoting at my gang members )
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368907

Dude I was not even mass rdm in spawn I was shooting the cops because he started to shot me when I picked up a gun and you just think I was mass rdm in spawn because you saw me and the cop having a gun fight for some couple of minutes
Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by viktorvicke.
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368908

then why you killed that gangster at spawn? he is not a cop !
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368909

which gangster please tell me name?
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368910

you can see it on the video

his name : Titan pilot
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Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by GangsterBoy.
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368911

im going to sleep i will let the admin do his job
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Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by GangsterBoy.
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368914

Yes I admit I killed that guy but it was a mistake everyone makes mistakes everyone has those days I literally thougt that guy was the officer who tried to kill me and in the heat of the moment you get stressed out and unfourently I killed a innocent man but I was definitely not doing a mass rdm in spawn and you are lucky that I dont have a video of you killing me for no reason at all and a 1 week ban for that I think its to much honest and thats why I report the admin for this case
Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by viktorvicke.
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368915

and this topic is about how the admin was handling this ban and I thought he did it wrong and unfair to be honest
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368920

helping this server to get rid of rulebreakers like me? are you kidding me you little lying bastard you are a guy who breaks the rules by rdm people the real reason why you send in reports and poor evidence to forum is because you find it funny when people get banned you deserve to get a long ban for this behavior :angry:
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report for adming abuse 8 years 6 months ago #368926

Hello VictorVikkie,
It seems you have not provided any form of proof so with that I can only trust my staff members word . I have had a conversation with Richard about what happened in this situation and he has told me that he was professional in this situation and he did indeed listen to your story ,according to Richard you claimed the other guy mass RDMed you first but you did not provide any proof and the player has denied these accusations so essentially Richard could not do much. The staff member in question has also told me that he was very professional.As well as all this a staff member can bring up past punishments into count when dealing with a situation as long as it is recent (2 weeks or less) and in this case, Richard has told me that you h ad 2 bans and 1 warning (Wich were recent) for mass RDM and RDM. If you would like to appeal your ban feel free to do so using the Appeal Template and post it in the Appeals Section
Thank you for your report , however this time it has been

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