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TOPIC: [Demotion request] [Suggestion] [UnWarn]

[Demotion request] [Suggestion] [UnWarn] 8 years 7 months ago #366297

Staff Member(s) Name: Clarky
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44595797
Staff Member(s) Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/ThatSpyIsAGentleMen
Staff Member(s) Address:
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What server(s) was this on?: SSRP1
Story of What Happened: I am a police chief that is at spawn and I see a wanted person with a weapon out. I try to arrest him, he walks backwards while trying to shoot me, so I shoot back at him. Suddenly two people beside him take out their guns and start shooting me also. I kept getting killed by those 3 guys for over 5 times. Everytime I spawned, they would instantly shoot at me. Even in one time ( before last death), I tried running away through the tunnel to the left of spawn but I got shot while I was in the middle of it. After the last death, Clarky took me to the roof, told me that I broke NLR, very quickly warned me and then brought me down back to spawn. ( All in the time span of 15 seconds) He didnt even give me time to discuss it ( other than typing 12 words) and he didnt even bother to explain anything to me. He just instantly warned me.

In my defence, yes I did shoot back at them, BUT it was only after I was shot at or an illegal gun was being pointed at my face ( it was a threat to the citizens right?) Since I was a police officer, it was my duty to defend the public and myself. Running away from the situation ( which I tried) was not a solution. I do understand that NLR is New Life Rule, and after each time I died, I completely forgot what happened in the last life. Now you tell me, If you spawn with a person shooting at u, don't you shoot back? Especially as a police officer? I have not broken NLR since everytime in my new life, I was shooting in self defence after being shot at.

2.2 New Life Rule - Do not return or interact with the district(See below for a District Map) of your death that you died until 3 minutes has passed. There is a timer at the top of your screen. If you died in the spawn area, leave it promptly through the nearest tunnel or AFK at spawn, you must also forget everything about your previous life and start a new one, as from it's name "New Life Rule"

I know that this rule exists but what do I do if i keep getting shot at? Yes you guessed it, shoot back and defend the public as the police chief, if I didn't do that, it would be failrp. Imagine a police chief not defending himself.

[Suggestion] This rule you have is flawed and the solution to that would be to disable damage in spawn. Some other servers have that so it is possible.

Here ends my [unwarn request]. I kindly ask you to remove my warn as I have provided a full and detailed explaination to why I had no other choice and I did not do anything wrong ( in my opinion). If you decide to remove my warn, dont forget to warn me for failrp because I ran away from 3 wanted guys as a police chief. @_@ Joking. @_@

What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Just generally being the opposite of what a staff member should be. Lets take a look at what Clarky himself thinks what a staff member should be.

Clarky wrote:
I would love to help ZARP out by doing F1's and helping other players for a better RP experience.
This was taken from his moderator application, which he had to submit 3 times to get accepted.

I have to say that I had the best rp experience in my life when I was getting constantly killed in spawn and I can't thank clarky enough for the awesome support.[Sarcastic] Best Rp.

What else Clarky?
Clarky wrote:
My experience as a moderator has teached me so many different ways to handle situations out and I feel like as a ZARP admin, I will be able to control situations much more easier.

From all the different ways you could have taken, I like the way you handled the situation, the easiest but the worst way to handle one. Not only did you instantly warn me without explaining anything, but you also refused to discuss anything. Just like the typical lazy admin.
Clarky wrote:
I do feel that I will be a great admin and I will benefit the server a lot more efficient and faster way.
Other than the bad grammar in this sentence, Instantly warning someone while ignoring what he is saying is not efficient. Yes its faster but it makes the server worse by showing how lazy and inefficient the admins are. I was not given any chance to explain anything.
Clarky wrote:
As a moderator, I have always tried my best to help players out with their situation.
You barely tried helping me

-Ignoring the rule breakers. ( the guys that kept rdming me):
Did he try to warn the rule breakers? Did he verbally warn them? Did he even talk to them? Did you even bother letting me say more than 12 words?
2.5 Spawn Areas - Killing players who have just (re)spawned and have not moved is not allowed. Do not build in the sidewalk where players spawn.
Clarky wrote:
but I believe I have no longer broke any rules since I have memorized the rules of both SSRP servers.
I thought you memorized the rules? No excuse for that.

Evidence: I only have evidence of our chat ( he was voice chatting), but don't you worry, Clarky is trusted:
Clarky wrote:
I should be chosen as a TTT staff member because I am trusted with powers as I am currently an admin on SSRP.
As Clarky said, you can trust him and he can even tell you what happened himself. Remember when I said he took 15 seconds to take me to the roof, warn me and then put me back down? I was overestimating that. Even Clarky can tell you it was less than that.

Suggestions to improve the server:
1. Please see through the bullshit of mod/admin apps as many staff members do exactly the opposite of what they say they would do. This is not only for Clarky, but for tons of other abusing admins I have seen from before, right Slayer?
2. Disable damage in spawn.

As a conclusion, I don't really care about getting unwarned or even getting Clarky demoted. ( it was fun writing this haha) This was more of a post on how to improve the server. I honestly rarely play here anymore but I actually do care about this server because it has given me the best
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All of Clarky's quotes were taken from his mod and admin apps for Zarp.

Similar situation here: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/darkrp/66...unwarn-appeal#360747
If you want another rant about Zarp's abusing admins: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/darkrp/65...o-much-rule-breakers

Edit 1: I have tried getting the names of the people that killed me multiple times but the logs were deleted
I wonder who deleted them. If it was automatic, then sorry :)
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Former Harper- but the gang is dead.
Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by hmshark.
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[Demotion request] [Suggestion] [UnWarn] 8 years 7 months ago #366301

This is quite a funny but interesting thread.
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[Demotion request] [Suggestion] [UnWarn] 8 years 7 months ago #366302

I will be handeling this demotion request and come back with my result
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EX- TS3 Staff
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[Demotion request] [Suggestion] [UnWarn] 8 years 7 months ago #366303

You clearly were breaking NLR as I tabbed back into the game, you kept getting killed in spawn and didn't even attempt to leave.. you just pulled out your pistol and started shooting again in the same district you died in hence why you kept getting killed so much. You didn't even bother to report the people randomly shooting at you too as you claimed that they were yet I didn't see them do that unless you shot at them. If you have proof then at least provide it in the demotion request.
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[Demotion request] [Suggestion] [UnWarn] 8 years 7 months ago #366305

Clarky wrote:
You clearly were breaking NLR as I tabbed back into the game, you kept getting killed in spawn and didn't even attempt to leave.. you just pulled out your pistol and started shooting again in the same district you died in hence why you kept getting killed so much. You didn't even bother to report the people randomly shooting at you too as you claimed that they were yet I didn't see them do that unless you shot at them. If you have proof then at least provide it in the demotion request.

Clarky I have already addressed your response before you even wrote it. I explained in detail why it was not NLR ( in my opinion and why that NLR rule is flawed [ not your fault about the rule] ). I am going to repeat what I said above: I pulled out my pistol everytime I got shot because I forgot my previous life. And as a police officer, I feel like my duty is to protect the town from all the criminals shooting in the town!!! Also, yes I did try running away once and still got shot. ( I already said that in the post)

I have edited the main post with an edit at the end if you want to see what happened to the proof of the guys that killed me.

Edit 1: I just remembered, I may have shot them once before they shot me, but it was when BIG ILLEGAL GUNS were in my face. Also I have to address something else, since I have not played in this server for like 3 years, I only remember the older rules, which was the basic NLR and I had not seen the " get out of spawn if you die in it " from before. I still think that rule is very flawed and should be removed while spawn protection should be added. You warning me could have been right, and you were following the server rules, but the bigger part of this demote request is how you handled it, which is explained above in the main post.

I didnt bother reporting the people that were shooting me because I had to deal with your warn first and when I was done with that, the logs of me dying disappeared.

Also in Clarky's defence, he may have joined the server ( or returned from being afk) in the middle of the incident, but as I said, he didn't even allow me to explain the situation
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Former Harper- but the gang is dead.
Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by hmshark.
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[Demotion request] [Suggestion] [UnWarn] 8 years 7 months ago #366306

This is the best post I've seen this year xD! I actually spent my time reading all of it for a change..
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[Demotion request] [Suggestion] [UnWarn] 8 years 7 months ago #366316

Hello , I have had a conversation with clarky about this situation and he has explained to me that he was tabbing in and watched you continue to break nlr (The rule does say that you can not interact with the district you died in for 3 minutes and even if you see it in a new life you still cant interact for 3 minutes) and you did not even attempt to contact the staff member about the situation. Furthermore he is commenting that you did not make an attempt to leave the district wich you need to do and you just went to start shooting him . on a final note , I have to take the staff members word in this situation because you did not provide any proof .
Thank you for your report

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