Staff Member(s) Name: Paramontana
Staff Member(s) SteamID: Didn't check.
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: I've been gone from the server for over 2 months, I originally left due to problems with para which most people know about, then I spent a month stationed in Canada. I'd had enough of the drama anyway and went to another server. Today I came back on to see what the Summer event was all about and without saying a single word to anyone other than Jordan through pm, I started receiving these messages from Paramontana, he then continued it in OOC and even used Advert to continue it further.
I wouldn't say this is appropriate behaviour from a staff member, never mind a head admin.
What server(s) was this on?: SSRP 1
I'm not staying on Zarp, I just felt like he got away with it last time because I didn't screenshot anything, I've learned from that mistake.
Other than him it was nice being back for the day, see ya